The difference between FTTH, FTTC, FTTN
The difference between FTTH, FTTC, FTTN
FTTH, FTTC, FTTN are all based on optical fiber. Communication over optical fiber provides faster and better quality services and has more space to transmit traffic compared to traditional copper cable wires.
FTTH (Fiber to the Home), FTTC (Fiber to the Cabinet) and FTTN (Fiber to the Node) refer to the wiring path and configuration of the signals. The closer the fiber optic legs are to the final destination, the better the connection.
FTTH (Fiber to the Home) runs between switch boxes and junction boxes. Because the connection goes directly into the home, FTTH offers higher bandwidth. It is expensive to install in some areas. Some telecommunications companies install optical fibers as a service delivery feature in new developments.
FTTC (Fiber to the Curb) refers to the street curb. This is the rack or cabinet that houses the communication device. Coaxial cables or twisted pairs transmit data from the edge of the street to the house. However, bandwidth is lost during these conversions. FTTC can serve multiple customers within up to 300 meters.
FTTN (Fiber to the Node or Neighborhood) serves several hundred customers. They should be within a radius of 1.5 kilometers. The remaining distance to the home, often called the “last mile,” can use DSL over existing lines from phone or cable companies. The proximity of the client to the node and the delivery protocols determine the data rate.
While FTTH can offer higher speeds, it is more expensive to install. FTTC or FTTN provides fiber optic internet to more customers at a lower cost.