Reefer or new equipment?

Reefer or new equipment?
What is a reefer?
The reefer is mainly for the purpose of refreshing or rebuilding.
In some countries, due to the fact that the recycling of electronic equipment is expensive and harmful to the environment, they sell or, in simpler terms, send these goods abroad, which unfortunately, due to sanctions and other problems, is one of the destinations The main source of these products is Iran. Basically, this process is carried out in a purposeful way, so that some companies look at it from a positive angle that they were able to import valuable equipment at a low price and justify it by washing and painting the boxes. The fact that these equipments are expensive in the country of origin and we offer them at a reasonable price is to justify the users and make a good profit, but in reality these wastes are imported purposefully.
Some commercial companies buy waste products from foreign countries, which include Cisco switches, Cisco routers, and Cisco optical modules.

Reefer switch
In the following, we will talk about the questions in this topic that have involved the minds of users.
Can reefer products be trusted?
Since the electronic parts used in electronic boards, including all kinds of chipsets, pins, resistors, etc., have a long life and a useful life, they have usually passed their life, so some companies have replaced the defective parts. But in fact, the remaining life of the parts is coming to an end and they do not have real efficiency.
Are reefer products supported by the original manufacturer?
In 90% of the time, no, because the main manufacturing companies have a product monitoring system and they have the products based on the serial number and the installation location in their database, and when the serial number is removed from the consumption cycle, the product is placed in the block list.
Why are some reefer switches updatable?
Because some Sojo companies replace the device’s flash memory and sell the product as the original product.
How do reefer products enter the country?
Due to the ban on the import of second-hand goods into the country, these products are smuggled into the country in the warehouse of commercial ships in bad conditions and humidity, which is harmful for electronic products, and the boards that have dandruff are washed and defective parts are replaced by profiteers. Also, the box and carton similar to the original product are prepared and repainted and packed.
Can you trust reefer products with warranty?
Since some profiteers advertise the warranty to encourage the customer, but in principle, most of the main part of the device, which has a more limited life, is the power of the device.