5G Network 2x4CH Channels LGX Rack DWDM Mux Demux

Lifetime warranty

All products have Lifetime warranty

5G Network 2x4CH Channels LGX Rack DWDM Mux Demux

مشخصات محصول:
 نام محصول :DWDM 2X4CH LGX Rackطول موج :2X4 Channels CH30~33,CH54~57
Channel Spacing:100GHz (0.8nm)Channel Passband:±0.11nm
Insertion Loss:≤ 4.6dB (with Connectors And Adapters)Technology:TFF (Thin Film Filter)
Passband Ripple:≤ 0.5dBAdjacent Channel Isolation:≥ 30dB
Non-Adjacent Channel Isolation:≥ 40dBReturn Loss:≥ 45dB
Directivity:≥ 45dBPolarization Dependent Loss:≤ 0.3dB
Polarization Mode Dispersion:≤ 0.1psTemperature:Operating -40°C~ +85°C

توضیحات محصول:

5G Network 2x4CH Channels LGX Rack DWDM Mux Demux

5G Network DWDM Mux/demux 2x4CH Channels LC/UPC FMU Plug-in Module LGX

DWDM Mux/Demux Module

Central WavelengthnmITU-T Grid
Channel Spacingnm0.8 (100GHz)1.6 (200GHz)
Number of Channels—-8168
Channel PassbandMinnm0.110.110.25
Insertion LossTydB343
Channel UniformityMaxdB11.51
IsolationAdjacent ChannelsMindB25
Non-adjacent ChannelsMindB40
Optical Return LossMindB45
Thermal StabilityMaxdB/°C0.007
Thermal Wavelength DriftMaxMaxnm/°C0.0010.002
Operating Temperature°C0 to 70
Storage Temperature°C– 40 to 85
Package Dimensionmm140 100 13
Maximum Power HandlingmW300














DWDM ترکیبی از طریق شبکه CWDM

ماکس و دیماکس

پورت اضافه برای افزایش پهنای باند در آینده
پورت توسعه امکان افزایش ظرفیت شبکه را با اتصال آن به پورت خطی دیگر از DWDM MUX/DEMUX که از طول موج های مختلف پشتیبانی می کند ، بدون نیاز به نصب یا اجاره فیبرهای اضافی ، میسر می سازد.

 ماکس و دیماکس

5G Network 2x4CH Channels LGX Rack DWDM Mux Demux

Lifetime warranty

All products have Lifetime warranty

5G Network 2x4CH Channels LGX Rack DWDM Mux Demux

Product specifications:
Product name:DWDM 2X4CH LGX RackWavelength:2X4 Channels CH30~33,CH54~57
Channel Spacing:100GHz (0.8nm)Channel Passband:±0.11nm
Insertion Loss:≤ 4.6dB (with Connectors And Adapters)Technology:TFF (Thin Film Filter)
Passband Ripple:≤ 0.5dBAdjacent Channel Isolation:≥ 30dB
Non-Adjacent Channel Isolation:≥ 40dBReturn Loss:≥ 45dB
Directivity:≥ 45dBPolarization Dependent Loss:≤ 0.3dB
Polarization Mode Dispersion:≤ 0.1psTemperature:Operating -40°C~ +85°C
Product description:

5G Network 2x4CH Channels LGX Rack DWDM Mux Demux

5G Network DWDM Mux/demux 2x4CH Channels LC/UPC FMU Plug-in Module LGX

DWDM Mux/Demux Module

Central WavelengthnmITU-T Grid
Channel Spacingnm0.8 (100GHz)1.6 (200GHz)
Number of Channels—-8168
Channel PassbandMinnm0.110.110.25
Insertion LossTydB343
Channel UniformityMaxdB11.51
IsolationAdjacent ChannelsMindB25
Non-adjacent ChannelsMindB40
Optical Return LossMindB45
Thermal StabilityMaxdB/°C0.007
Thermal Wavelength DriftMaxMaxnm/°C0.0010.002
Operating Temperature°C0 to 70
Storage Temperature°C– 40 to 85
Package Dimensionmm140 100 13
Maximum Power HandlingmW300















Hybrid DWDM over CWDM network

Additional port to increase bandwidth in the future
The expansion port makes it possible to increase the capacity of the network by connecting it to another line port of the DWDM MUX/DEMUX that supports different wavelengths, without the need to install or lease additional fibers.